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Title: Rabbinic methods of interpretation and hellenistic rhetoric
Authors: David Daube
Keywords: Hellenistic philosophy
Talmudic jurisprudence
Issue Date: 1949
Description: Bahan dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Notes: The influence of Hellenistic philosophy was not confined to the period of Hillel. It had started before; and it went on afterwards, in an increasing degree, for a long time. The systems of interpretation advocated by Ishmael and Akiba some 150 years later can be understood only against the bckground of the rhetorical teaching of the time. Josiah, a disciple of Ishmael, about the middle of the 2nd century A.C., favoured the method of seres; a verse at first sight illogical may be made logical by re-arranging its parts.
Pages: 29
Call Number: SchachtBM485.D3
Publisher: Press of the Jewish Publication Society
Appears in Collections:Prof. J. Schacht Collection / Koleksi Prof. J. Schact

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