Prof. J. Schacht Collection / Koleksi Prof. J. Schact : [77] Collection home page

Bahan klasik milik Profesor Joseph Schach dalam bidang pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam. Ia terdiri daripada pelbagai bahasa.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1934La Place d'al Farabi dans l'ecole philosophique musulmaneMM. A. Lalande; L. Massignon; S. Van Den Bergh
1928رسائل اخوان الصفاء وخلان الوفاءKhairuddin Al-Zirkli
1927Es- saqâio en-nomânije von tasköprüzadeO. Rescher
1959Manâqib d'abû ishâq al-jabanyâniAbû L-Qâsim Al Labidi; Abu L-Tahir Al-Tarisi; Hady Roger Idris
1963Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebookAllan Bloom; Ralph Lerner; Muhsin Mahdi
1934L'Organon d'Aristote dans le monde arabeSimon Van Den Vergh
1968La réalité des ihwan as-safa' wa hullan al-wafa'A'rif Tamir
1945Arabic transmission of Greek thought to medieval EuropeR. Walzer
1964Selected readings on protection by law of private foreign investmentsThe Southwestern Legal Founddation
1957The balance of truthKatib Chelebi; G. L. Lewis
1959Risalah jami'at al-jami'ahA'rif Tamir
1930Von alexandrien nach Bagdad: ein beitrag zur geschichte des philosophischen und medizinischen unterrichts bei den arabernMax Meyerhof
1965Les methodes d'exegeseHassan Hanafi; R. Brunschvig
1965Das fortleben der antike im IslamVon Franz Rosenthal
1920Einleitung in talmud und midrasHermann L. Strack
1949Rabbinic methods of interpretation and hellenistic rhetoricDavid Daube
1957Qumran studiesChaim Rabin
1948Pèlerinages judéo-Muslimans du marocL. Voinot
1961Some aspects of religion and politics in India during the thirteenth centuryKhaliq Ahmad Nizami
-Exposé de la Religion des Druzes, v.2Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77