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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Aklanon women in local politics: their extent of managerial involvement in community development projectsMa. Jhoanna Gonzales-Guarin; Edna Iguban-Gonzales; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions: the moderating role of locus of controlChang-Yung Liu; Hsin-Hsin Lee; Fu-Ning Wang; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Building ASEAN security community and East Asian cooperation with the great powers -- a constructivist perspectiveJoyce Juo-Yu Lin; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Challenging dimensions of sustainability question for future generationsAmirthalingam. S; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-A comparative study of Malagasy with Malay: on the evolution of Malagasy phonological systemsNoa Nishimoto; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Conflict management among Malay married couples: an analysis on their strategies & tacticsNor Azlili Hassan; Liana Mat Nayan; Rahilah Ahmad; Nor Hafizah Abdullah; Madihah Md. Rosli; Abdul Satar Abdullah Harun; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Cosmopolitanism as a new cultural awareness among southeast Asian immigrants in CanadaMotaleb Azari; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Decentralized tourism development in Indonesia: a case study of Lombok Island, IndonesiaAlhilal Furqan; Ahmad Puad Mat Som; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Educating the west on Islam via the mediaSohirin M. Solihin; Mohd. Shuhaimi Haji Ishak; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Enhancing connectivity and interdependence among water utilities amidst climate change in South East AsiaVijaya Letchimi S Thayan; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Ethics in religious dialogue: an insight into Islamic perspectivesMiszairi Sitiris; Mohd. Shuhaimi Haji Ishak; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Food & human security: South East Asian perspectivesDayangku Norasyikin Awang Tejuddin; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Forecasting Middle-East tourism demand with Arima-Sarima modeling: the case of MalaysiaNanthakumar Loganathan; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-The impact of visitor's insight and price elasticity of demand in determining museum ticket pricesMohammad Sharifi Tehrani; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Informal actors In Japan-China security relations: an analysis in mechanism and influenceUni W. Sagena; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Intercultural communication: Malay and Thai university student's refusals to requestsMaryam Farnia; Hiba Qusay Abdul Sattar; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Islam and its transformation in Yorubaland. (S.W. Nigeria)Ahamad Faosiy Ogunbado; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Isn't there any positive effect of religion to bring happiness to mankind in the global world?Fethi Ahmet Polat; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-Language maintainance and the preservation of ethnic identity: a case of Malay Muslims In Southern ThailandMunirah Yamirudeng; Nonglaksana Kama; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia
-The new media (Internet) as a development tool for Malaysia: lessons for ThailandAli Salman; Mohd Safar Hasim; Reexamining Interdependent Relations In Southeast Asia