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Title: The environmental quality bill
Authors: Mohd. Yusof Mohd. Johor
Conference Name: Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
Keywords: Environmental legislation
Environmental Quality Act
Environmental pollution
Conference Date: 1974-03-30
Conference Location: Dewan Sri Pinang, Penang
Abstract: In this brief address, I propose to deal firstly with aspects of our environmental problems; secondly, the relationship between environmental protection pro- grammes and national development and thirdly, aspects of the Environmental Quality Bill and the actions that have been taken so far in the direction of en- vironmental protection and management. Environmental deterioration as a problem is not only the concern of the government. A resolute effort to check factors of pollution from impairing the environment should be the responsibility of both the government and the public at large. We have learned, from the experience of advanced countries, that the participation, involvement and responsible support of the public is vital in any programme to counteract environmental deterioration. Anti-pollution operation is a multiphased machinery involving many parties and representative segments of the public. In this regard, the government has noted with satisfaction that the passage of the Environmental Quality Bill in Parliament a few months ago was warmly supported by both sides of the house. We consider that such a demon- stration of support augurs well for the success of our environmental management programmes.
Pages: 71-74
Call Number: G57.S4 1974 semkat
Publisher: Consumers Association of Penang
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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