Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding : [24413] Collection home page

Kertas kerja seminar atau persidangan mengenai Asia Tenggara yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UKM.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24413
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Communication in geography : the role of the New Zealand geographical societyA. Grant Anderson; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-New Zealand school geography 1937-1987: some put-downs, take-overs and challengesJohn Macaulay; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Geomorphology then and nowJane M. Soons; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Science and high tech - the realityDoreen Massey; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Militarism and malnutrition: the impact of a monetarist strategy, Buenos Aires, 1976-1983Warwick Armstrong; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-The captive state: post independence Zimbabwe 1980-1986J. H. Bradbury; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Natural resource projects, government negotiations, indentures and environmental impact assessment: South Australian examples comparedT. W. Fookes; M. L. Morris; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-The atmospheric economic climate: risks and opportunitiesJohn Maunder; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Carbon dioxide warming and other possible global climate changesA. B. Mullan; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Climatic hazards and their mitigationGeorge R. Walker; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-Islands, islanders and the world: poverty in the periphery?Richard Bedford; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-The international division of labour and local economic strategies: thoughts from London and ManaguaDoreen Massey; Proceedings of Fourteenth New Zealand Geography Conference and Fifty-Sixth ANZAAS Congress
-The environmental quality bill - the role of the public in the anti-pollution effortVincent Lowe; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The environmental quality billG. Sulaiman lyer; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The environmental quality billMohd. Yusof Mohd. Johor; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Masalah agama dan kebudayaan dalam arkeologi klasik Indonesia (sebuah tinjauan teoritis)Nurhadi Magetsari; Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi
-Peninggalan kepurbakalaan di Pura Batu Maringgit Candikuning, Bedugul, BaliWajan Widia; Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi
-The use of pesticides and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and their potential roles in environmental pollution in MalaysiaH. H. Yap; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Hasta Koçali, salah satu dasar arsitektur tradisional BaliRai Wiryani; Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi
-Domestic and trade wastes in MalaysiaR. E. Strafford; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24413