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Title: Les methodes d'exegese
Other Titles: The methods of exegesis
Authors: Hassan Hanafi
Editors: R. Brunschvig
Keywords: Reinterpretation of traditional ugûl al-figh
Typical developments of Islam
Extent of mental structure
Issue Date: 1965
Description: Bahan dalam bahasa Perancis
Notes: For the first time undoubtedly in the history of Muslim thought, Hassan HANAFI attempts a great adventure, that of the total reinterpretation of traditional ugûl al-figh. It is no longer just a question, in the manner of the great initiator Mohamed Abdou and more recently of Igbal or Farugi, of reviving or modernizing 'somewhat certain concepts, but to rethink in its entirety this science of legal foundations which is one of the most remarkable, most typical developments of Islam. The work is not that of a jurist, nor of a theologian, nor of a sociologist; he is an informed philosopher, able to handle the most modern notions in the service of his own exegesis, which aims to be enlightening, but above all resolutely surpassing the exegeses of the past. In a language of philosophical technicality which does not abdicate, the problems and the principle themes of this discipline are analyzed, through which the great ulama of the Middle Ages expressed, at the level of their classical culture and to the extent of their mental structure, certainties, aspirations and doubts of the community. What does this proposed overhaul mean and what is it worth?
Pages: 838
Call Number: SchachtB143.H32.M4
Publisher: Le Caire
Appears in Collections:Prof. J. Schacht Collection / Koleksi Prof. J. Schact

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