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Title: Radiocarbon dating and man in South and East Asia
Authors: Richard Shutler
Conference Name: International Conference on Asian History
Keywords: Radiocarbon
Conference Date: 1968-08-05
Conference Location: University of Malaya
Abstract: In this short paper I shall briefly discuss the limitations and what available radiocarbon dates tell us about Man's presence in South and East Asia, the establishment of dated cultural sequences, of the radiocarbon method in determining Man's first appearance in various parts of this vast region.I must of necessity refer to another radioactive dating method, potassium/argon (K/A), which compliments radiocarbon dating, and has applications to our discussion. 1 remarks are primarily directed towards the interested non- prehistorians attending this Conference. I am mainly concerned with India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, North Borneo, the Philippines, and south China. However, considering the importance of C-14 dates for horticulture in Taiwan and pottery in Japan, these islands must be considered.
Volume: j.3
Pages: 1-10
Call Number: DS33.I57 1968 j.3 katsem
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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