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Title: Integrated intelligent safety system for vehicle applications using RFID
Authors: M A Hannan
Conference Name: Seminar Pemantauan Projek Penyelidikan GUP
Keywords: Radio-frequency Identification (RFID)
Crash Detection System
Wireless Commmunication System
Conference Date: 22/01/2010
Conference Location: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi
Abstract: This research deals with the safety systems for vehicle application using RFID. The individual vehicle safety system such as crash detection system, tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), driver awareness system etc are to be integrated in a intelligent platform using RFID. RFID, the wireless commmunication system for transmiting and receiving information, is developed using software define radio (SDR) technique. SDR is a program that can process the RFID transmiting and receiving signal without the peripheral hardware. The programed SDR is modulated the RFID trasmitted signal using phase-shift keying (PSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation. The modulated tranceiver data also demulated by SDR to retrive the transmitted information. The performane of PSK and QAM modulation is evaluated with the development of an additive white Gaussian noise channel. These high order modulation techniques are compared with respect to bit-error rate (BER) of vehicle safety data to find the optimum modulation. The output constellation points of PSK and QAM modulation with different signal-noise-ration (SNR) are also compared to see the transmission error between input and output of the system. It is confirmed that the developed SDR can modulate and demodulate the RFID transmiting and receiving data as well as able to interoperate with different wireless protocols, incorporate new services, and upgrade to new standards. At present individual safety system is developed and the integration is in process.
Pages: 524-528 p.
Call Number: Q180.55.G7 S445 2010 kat sem
Publisher: Bangi, Selangor : Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2010.,Bangi
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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