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Kertas kerja seminar atau persidangan mengenai Asia Tenggara yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UKM.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24613
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-River discharges of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and organic matter into the Baltic Sea from SwedenThorsten Ahl; Svante Odén; Anders Åkerblom; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-Swedish municipal and industrial discharges into the BalticRolf B Engwall; Anders Åkerblom; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-The determining of statistical methods for calculating the pollutants discharged into the seaH. A. Velner; M. A. Aitsam; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-On biogenic elements and organic matter in the BalticStig H. Fonselius; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-Recent hydrochemistry variations in the Baltic SeaA. I. Simonov; A. A. Justchak; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-The water exchange of the BalticArtur Svansson; Anders Åkerblom; Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic
-Use of hiding space to increase the stocking density and production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides reared in floating net cagesTeng Seng Keh; Chua Thia-Eng; Marine Science Conference
-The 200 mile exclusive economic zone and its implications to fisheriesTengku Ubaidillah Abdul Kadir; Marine Science Conference
-Induced spawning and early development in Malaysian Sea Urchin, Salmacis dussumieriWong See Yong; Marine Science Conference
-The training of fisheries operatives in MalaysiaB. Balachandaran; Marine Science Conference
-The role and development of tertiary education in fisheries science in MalaysiaBaharin Kassim; Marine Science Conference
-Primary productivity of the South China SeaP.M. Sivalingam; Marine Science Conference
-Primary production in the world ocean - a reviewP. Grec; Marine Science Conference
-Marine pollution and its controlA. Maheswaran; Marine Science Conference
-Leathery turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) conservation programme in Rantau Abang, The State of Trengganu, MalaysiaK.T. Siow; Marine Science Conference
-Hydrography in Malaysia and the Royal Malaysian Navy hydrographic surveying serviceMak Siew Wah; Marine Science Conference
-Fishing gear researchAndres von Brandt; Marine Science Conference
-Family unit concept for rearing fishes in floating cagesChua Thia-Eng; Teng Seng Keh; Marine Science Conference
-Artificial reefs - a step towards the problem of declining fish resources in Malaysian coastal watersAlexander A. Jothy; Marine Science Conference
-Strukturalisme dalam ilmu sastera dan aplikasinyaHashim Awang; Nik Safiah Karim; Seminar Ijazah Tinggi Jabatan Pengajian Melayu Universiti Malaya
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24613