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Title: Paku pohon cyatheaceae
Authors: Haja Maideen Kader Maideen
Nurul Iwani Mohd Salleh
Nur Aliah Mohamad Khaduwi
Keywords: Cyatheaceae -- Research -- Malaysia
Botany -- Research -- Malaysia
Ferns -- Research -- Malaysia
Government publications -- Malaysia
Electronic books
Issue Date: 2020
Notes: Bab 1: Paku pohon -- Bab 2: Pengelasan paku pohon -- Bab 3: Morfologi -- Bab 4: Anatomi -- Bab 5: Spesies dan huraian -- Bab 6: Nilai ekonomi dan penanaman.
ISBN: 9789672510871
Pages: 69
Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Appears in Collections:Buku Penerbit UKM

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