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Title: Textual standards in the antholoy of 'Amr Al-Nami Kalimat ila Zaynab
Other Titles: al-Ma'ayir al-nassiyah fi diwan 'Amr al-Nami Kalimat ila Zaynab
Authors: Abousowa, Samira Yousef Mohamed (P97674)
Supervisor: Zamri Arifin, Prof. Madya Dr.
Keywords: Nami, 'Amr Khalifah -- Kalimat ila Zaynab
Arabic poetry -- 21th century-- History and criticism
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
Abstract: Language activity is a dialogue connected the communicator, text and the receiver of the text. The communicator while in the process of communication strives to influence the receiver by shaping the text that signals a certain function in the context of society. This is realized through a set of standards that create and establish sense of textuality and entirety of the texts meant for communicative notification. Libyan poetic literature is not decently attended to in recent studies concerning the textual efficiency mainly in light of modern linguistic studies. The problem of this study lies in the lack of the poetry of `Amru al-Nami being decently studied based on the textual standards, and what remains here is the analysis of creative elements and the illumination of artistic and esthetic virtues of the poetry. Therefore, this study intends to look into the poetical career of al-Nami and the extent of textual efficiency being realized in the poetry through the identification of instruments that help textual integrity and coherence of his texts; examine his intentions suggested through the reception and attention of the receiver; and identify circumstances of the text and intellectual references discerned in his poetry based on the method of deductive and descriptive analysis, and statistics. The use of deductive method is to expose the life of the poet and circumstances he experiences; the use of descriptive method is to describe the textual standards and instruments referred to in the study and analysis of the texts; likewise, the use of statistic method is to identify related samples from the anthology of al-Nami. The findings show the adequacy of the textual standards relatively, thus the adequacy of instruments of founding and constructing results in the strength of the language style and coherence of his poetry and its diversion from complexity that could alienate the receiver. His intentions are distributed in religious and national purposes, besides other psychology related purposes, clearly the intentions are acceptable to the receiver of the text. And the informative instruments contribute to raise the degree of the informative and expansion of his texts, and his texts echo the stage of the development he coexisted with, and he wrote many poetries and was concerned with corroboration by documenting the history pointing to the status of the poetries. Thus, the intertextuality serves to corroborate the messages and portrayals of the poet as the verses of the Qur’an fulfils psychological purposes in terms of cultivating serenity and upholding psychology in tumultuous time. This study serves to illuminate the significance of textual standards in elucidating textual efficiency of the texts and their literary virtues. Likewise, it contributes to enlighten on his poetical career and comprehensive vision in expressing text and circumstances.
Pages: 320
Call Number: PJ7561.A236 2023 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Islamic Studies / Fakulti Pengajian Islam

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