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Title: Religionspartheien und philosophenschulen
Other Titles: Religious parties and philosophical schools.
Authors: Theodor Haarbrücker
Keywords: Religions, Early works to 1800
Philosophy, Ancient
Issue Date: 1850
Description: "But the Mutazila exaggerate so much in asserting unity that they end up completely emptying it by denying the properties, and the Mushabbiha diminish things to such an extent that they attribute physical properties to the Creator; But the Rawafidl exaggerate the prophecy and the Imamate until they assume an indwelling (of God), but diminish the Khawarij when they do not admit the decision of the people. So you see that all these objections arose from the objections of the first damned man."
Pages: 793
Call Number: Schacht BL75.S515
Publisher: C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn
Appears in Collections:Prof. J. Schacht Collection / Koleksi Prof. J. Schact

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