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Title: Plagiarism among first year university students using autocad assignments
Authors: Siti Fatin Mohd Razali1 2* Azrul Mutalib1 Noraini Hamzah1 and Shahrizan Baharom1 (UKM)
Azrul Mutalib (UKM)
Noraini Hamzah (UKM)
Shahrizan Baharom (UKM)
Keywords: Plagiarism
Graphic software
Graphic engineering
Issue Date: Apr-2016
Description: Student honesty when completing assignments is a major indication to lecturers that students have acquired and know how to apply knowledge shared in the lecture hall. However, the problem of plagiarism among students in writing assignments has become a major problem in education. Plagiarism works as an indicator that students do not practise or apply or know how to apply knowledge that has been covered in class. The continued practice of plagiarism can only produce incompetent graduates who have no integrity. This study focusses on plagiarism as a whole; plagiarism occurs when students submit work that was actually completed by someone else but claims it as their own effort. A total of 73 students of Engineering Graphics participated in this study. A graphic drawing assignment using the AutoCad software was given to each student every week for four weeks. Plagiarism checking was carried out only after all assignments for the four weeks were received. Results of the study found that at least 25% of the students had committed plagiarism in every assignment. The largest group plagiarism was as high as 34 out of 73 (47%) students, all of whom shared the same file for one assignment. The results of this study will give better insight into temptation faced by students to commit plagiarism as a result of no action being taken by the course lecturer.
News Source: Pertanika Journals
ISSN: 0128-7702
Volume: 24
Pages: 25-34
Publisher: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Appears in Collections:Journal Content Pages/ Kandungan Halaman Jurnal

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