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Title: An evaluation of the oral/aural activities in the Saudi third year secondary EFL textbooks
Authors: Abu El-Lif Zaky Hassan Sayyed Ahmed (P33776)
Supervisor: Nooreiny Maarof, Dr.
Keywords: Language and languages \\x Study and teaching
Saudi Arabia
Issue Date: 17-May-2012
Description: Inadequate oral communicative activities in the EFL textbooks can often lead to failure among students in dealing with verbal communicative situations. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to: a) examine the oral/aural activities found in the EFL textbooks taught to third year secondary students in Saudi Arabia, b) investigate the teachers' perception of the oral/aural activities in the textbooks and c) recommend some modifications, additions and/or supplementary materials to the textbooks based on the findings and suggestions of the experts. This study used Brown's taxonomy of communicative activities as theoretical framework which consists of three main communicative techniques: (a) Controlled techniques, (b) Semi-controlled techniques, and (c) Free techniques. Under each technique, there is a group of tasks and activities. The study utilised content analysis, a survey method, and an interview as research instruments. A valid and reliable questionnaire containing textbook evaluation items was administered by email on a sample of 119 (60 female and 59 male) teachers from different districts in Saudi Arabia. A semi-structured interview was conducted online with eleven teachers selected randomly from the respondents who had earlier answered the questionnaire. Both the interviews and the open-ended questions of the questionnaire were analyzed using Nvivo 8.00 qualitative software, while the rest of the questionnaire items were analyzed using SPSS. Three expert raters evaluated the activities in the four textbooks using a valid and reliable evaluation tool (EOCAI). The results highlight the consensus among the expert raters and the subjects of the study on the lack of fairly-high and highly oral/aural communicative activities in the existing Saudi third year secondary EFL textbooks. The results also revealed that the activities are unable to help learners develop their oral/aural fluency.,Aktiviti lisan yang kurang menekankan latihan komunikasi dalam buku teks EFL sering menyebabkan kegagalan di kalangan pelajar untuk menghadapi situasi komunikasi lisan. Justeru itu, tujuan kajian adalah untuk: a) memeriksa aktiviti-aktiviti lisan / aural komunikasi yang terdapat dalam buku teks EFL yang diajar kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah tahun tiga di Arab Saudi, b) meneroka persepsi guru-guru berkenaan aktiviti lisan / aural komunikasi dalam buku teks dan c) mengesyorkan beberapa pengubahsuaian, penambahan dan / atau bahan-bahan tambahan kepada buku teks berdasarkan penemuan dan cadangan daripada pakarpakar. Kajian ini menggunakan taksonomi Brown tentang aktiviti-aktiviti komunikasi sebagai kerangka teori yang terdiri daripada tiga teknik komunikasi yang utama: (a) teknik Terkawal, (b) teknik Separa-terkawal, dan (c) teknik bebas. Setiap teknik dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan tugas-tugas dan aktiviti-aktiviti. Kajian ini menggunakan analisis kandungan, kaji selidik dan temu bual sebagai instrumen kajian. Satu soal selidik yang sahih dan boleh dipercayai berkenaan isu-isu penilaian buku teks telah ditadbir melalui e-mel ke atas 119 sampel (60 perempuan dan 59 lelaki) guru-guru dari daerah yang berlainan di Arab Saudi. Temu bual separa berstruktur telah dijalankan secara online ke atas sebelas guru-guru yang dipilih secara rawak daripada responden soal selidik. Kedua-dua wawancara dan soalan terbuka soal selidik dianalisis menggunakan perisian kualitatif Nvivo 8.00, manakala kandungan soal selidik yang lain dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS. Tiga pakar menilai aktiviti-aktiviti dalam empat buku-buku teks yang menggunakan alat penilaian yang sah dan boleh dipercayai (EOCAI). Keputusan menggambarkan kata sepakat di kalangan pakar pemberi rating dan subjek yang dikaji tentang aktiviti berunsur oral / aural berkomunikasi bertahap tinggi yang amat berkurangan dalam buku teks EFL menengah tahun tiga Saudi. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang didapati tidak membantu pelajar meningkatkan kemahiran dari segi lisan / kefasihan aural.,PhD
Pages: 302
Call Number: PE1130.A8A255 2012 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikan

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