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Title: Invisible feelings of Muslim converts through rohaniah equilibrium of al-Quranic paradigm
Authors: Sayyid Buhar Musal Kassim (P59721)
Supervisor: Mohd.Syukri Yeoh Abdullah, Associate Professor Dr.
Keywords: Invisible feelings of Muslim
Muslim converts
Rohaniah equilibrium
al-Quranic paradigm
Issue Date: 14-Mar-2014
Description: Islamic Conversion is a voluntary rohaniah acceptance of Islamic faith and hence it is very personal. It could be done at any time by a non-Muslim privately or publicly; one simply needs to declare the kalimahshahadah after understanding its meaning and accepting its message. The religious condition of the true conversion is the acceptance of the truth of Islam after knowledge, realization, confirmation and voluntary declaration of Kalimahshahadah. In Malaysia Islamic conversion is a common daily activity. Islam transcends nationality, ideology, race, language and territory. It is guidance for all mankind. However the issue of conversion is complicated. The transition period experienced by the converts attest to their inner conflicts adapting to their new surroundings. Their parental faith is no longer relevant thus adopting a new religion and living in the same society with different traditions of religious faith would lead to traumatic inner conflicts which are invisible. Consequently, these feelings may gradually direct them to various feelings towards Islam on two continuum, negative insights or otherwise. It is the impact of the inner conflicts involving the invisible feelings of the converts that puts weight to the concern of this study. In this study, at the depth interviews the answers are measured with the scale of Islamic faith acceptance through belief and deeds. The positive feelings are concluded with firm faith or happiness while negative feelings are concluded with uncertainty or unhappiness. The positive feelings will result in the Muslim converts in tranquillity of faith acceptance while the negative feelings will destine the Muslim converts in uncertainty of faith acceptance; this may lead them to be a doubtful unstable believer in Islam. This study is done through direct depth interviews and observations with 100 Muslim converts at PERKIM head quarters Kuala Lumpur; interviews are focused to their three phases of conversion before, during and after with respect to three imanic issues of faith in Allah s.w.t as God, Muhammad s.a.w as the Messenger of Allah s.w.t and the acceptance of Islam as a way of life. In the result of this research the Positive invisible feelings are indicated in the following mental stages of Happy, Accepted whole heartedly, Firm, Confident, Tranquillity. The negative invisible feelings are indicated by the mental stages of Unhappy, Inferior, Enquiries, Hatred, Inquisitive, Phobia, Trauma, Insecure, Scared, Lost, Absent Minded, Cheating, Under Threatened, Hypocrisy, Convenient, Superior and Regret. This will enable the researcher to identify; (1) the convert has reached the level of declaration of faith through his spiritual readiness with tranquillity (2) the convert's inner conflicts in three stages, before, during and after the conversion (3) to establish guidelines for authorities responsible for Muslim converts to operate a helpline desk and to tackle Imanic issues of Muslim Converts. The tranquillity of the conscience of a Muslim convert will be safe from any sort of invisible conflict for transforming the state of mind from the parental traditional faith of worshipping idols, statues or representations of deities or incarnation of gods to the acceptance of a formless true God. The Irfan base guidance of tauhidicirshad of Al-Quranic paradigm will help to eradicate the negative invisible feelings of Muslim Converts at the presence of crosscultural diversity or at any unexpected situations.,PhD
Pages: 269
Call Number: BP170.5 .K346 2014 8
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute of The Malay World and Civilisation / Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA)

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