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Title: Kesan fitoestrogenik, anti-oksidatif dan anti-inflamatori labisia pumila var. alata ke atas metabolisme tulang model tikus osteoporosis pascamenopaus
Authors: Nadia Mohd Effendy (P62444)
Supervisor: Ahmad Nazrun bin Shuid, Profesor Dr.
Keywords: Osteoporosis
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 2014
Description: Terapi penggantian estrogen (ERT) adalah rawatan piawai untuk osteoporosis pasca-menopaus. Biarpun efektif, ERT boleh menyebabkan kesan sampingan yang serius. Labisia pumila var. alata (LP), sejenis herba yang bersifat fitoestrogenik, antioksidatif dan anti-inflamatori berpotensi sebagai alternatif kepada ERT. Kajian bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kesan pemberian LP ke atas parameter tulang tikus model osteoporosis pascamenopaus. Untuk kajian bahagian pertama, sebanyak 96 ekor tikus betina Sprague-Dawley dibahagikan secara rawak kepada enam kumpulan iaitu kumpulan kawalan basal (BL), bedah sham (sham), kawalan ovariektomi (OVX), OVX + 64.5 μg/kg Premarin (ERT), OVX + 20 mg/kg LP (LP20) dan OVX + 100 mg/kg LP (LP100). Rawatan diberikan setiap hari secara paksaan oral selama 3, 6 dan 9 minggu. Di akhir setiap tempoh rawatan, tulang femur diambil untuk analisis mikroarkitektur tulang, status oksidatif dan kekuatan biomekanikal. Suplementasi 100 mg/kg LP selama 9 minggu (kumpulan LP100) adalah paling efektif dalam mengaruhbalik kesan buruk aruhan ovariektomi pada mikroarkitektur tulang, status oksidatif dan kekuatan biomekanikal tulang. Dalam kajian bahagian kedua, regimen rawatan ini digunakan untuk menguji beberapa jenis ekstrak LP yang berlainan. Sebanyak 48 ekor tikus betina Sprague-Dawley dibahagikan secara rawak kepada enam kumpulan iaitu sham, OVX, ERT, OVX + ekstrak akueus LP (LPak), OVX + ekstrak metanol LP (LPmet) dan OVX + ekstrak etanol LP (LPet). Tulang femur dianalisa untuk mengkaji mikroarkitektur tulang, ekspresi gen berkaitan tulang dan ekspresi sitokin inflamatori. Kumpulan OVX menunjukkan kemerosotan mikroarkitektur tulang dan gen berkaitan osteoblas. Ekspresi gen berkaitan osteoklas dan sitokin inflamatori pula didapati meningkat. Ekstrak akueus LP (kumpulan LPak) adalah paling berkesan dalam mengaruhbalik semua perubahan dalam mikroarkitektur tulang, ekspresi gen dan sitokin inflamatori. Oleh itu, pemberian ekstrak akueus LP adalah berpotensi sebagai alternatif kepada ERT untuk merawat dan mencegah osteoporosis pascamenopaus.,Oestrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is the standard treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Although effective, ERT may cause serious adverse effects. Labisia pumila var. alata (LP), a herb with phytoestrogenic, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects has potential as an ERT alternative. This study aimed to determine the effects of LP supplementation on bone parameters of postmenopausal osteoporosis rat model. For the first part, a total of 96 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups of baseline group (BL), Sham-operated (sham), ovariectomised control (OVX), OVX + 64.5μg/kg of Premarin (ERT), OVX + 20 mg/kg of LP (LP20) and OVX + 100 mg/kg of LP (LP100). Treatments were given daily via oral gavages for 3, 6 and 9 weeks. At the end of each treatment period, the femora were dissected for bone microarchitecture, oxidative status and biomechanical strength analysis. LP supplementation at 100 mg/kg for 9 weeks was shown to be the most effective regiment to reverse the deleterious effects of ovariectomy. In the second part of the study, this treatment regiment was used to test various forms of LP extracts. A total of 48 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups of sham, OVX, ERT, OVX + 100 mg/kg LP aqueous extract (LPak), OVX + 100 mg/kg LP methanol extract (LPmet) and OVX + 100 mg/kg LP ethanol extract (LPet). Femora were analysed for bone microarchitecture, bone-related gene expressions and inflammatory cytokine expressions. OVX group showed a deleterious effect on bone microarchitecture and the expression of osteoblast-related genes. Osteoclast-related genes and inflammatory cytokines were found to be increased. LP aqueous extract (LPak group) was the best in reversing all the changes in microarchitecture, gene and cytokine expressions. Therefore, LP aqueous extract is the best choice as an alternative to ERT in prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.,PhD
Pages: 235
Publisher: UKM, Kuala Lumpur
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine / Fakulti Perubatan

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