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Title: The influence of perceived value on behavioral intention in context of medical tourism: moderating effect of experience quality
Authors: Alireza Habibi (ZP01208)
Supervisor: Ahmad Azmi Mohd Ariffin, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Medical tourism
Behavioral intention
Healthcare services
Perceived value
Experience quality
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Issue Date: 23-Jul-2016
Description: Research on medical tourism as a niche market is currently expanding at a considerable pace. However, there has not been much attention directed at the factors that influence the medical tourists’ perceived value of the products and services offered by the medical tourism industry. A systematic research on the perceived value of medical tourism is imperative in the efforts to encourage repeat visitation as well as positive word of mouth. This study aims to investigate the antecedents of perceived value in the context of medical tourism and subsequently to understand how perceived value is related to behavioral intention. Drawing on the premise of Means-End-Model, Experiential Marketing Theory and Service Dominant Logic, this study hypothesizes that experience quality would moderate the relationships between perceived value and proposed antecedents. Data was collected from 157 medical tourists who were obtaining healthcare services in selected Malaysian private hospitals endorsed by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC). The results of PLS structural equation modeling revealed that (a) perceived value is positively related to behavioral intention, (b) perceived medical quality is positively related to perceived value, (c) destination brand personality is positively related to perceived value, (d) perceived fee is not significantly related to perceived value, (e) perceived risk is negatively related to perceived value, (f) experience quality is positively related to perceived value, (g) experience quality moderates the relationship between perceived risks and perceived value, (h) experience quality does not moderate the relationship between perceived fee and perceived value, and (i) experience quality moderates the relationship between perceived medical quality and perceived value. Theoretically, this study contributes to the body of knowledge by empirically testing the presence of destination brand personality as an antecedent for perceived value as well as the roles played by experience quality in explaining the relationships between perceived value and its antecedents. Practically, this study offers strategic guidelines and insights for hospitals in developing effective marketing plans to position their medical centers as a world- class medical tourism hub.,Certification of Mater's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 151
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Graduate School of Business / Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Perniagaan

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