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Title: The adoption of customer relationship management in small and medium enterprises in Palestine
Authors: Omar Hasan Salah (P90303)
Supervisor: Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Customer relationship management
Customer relations -- Management
Issue Date: 15-Mar-2020
Description: Central to the firm activities, customers have always become the main concern of any business. Many firms have adopted customer relationship management (CRM) initiative to help with the right focus on profitable marketable segments, enhance customer services, and the ability to maintain customer acquisition and retention. CRM could contribute to the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the use of technology. Via CRM, SMEs could improve the competitive advantage upon which long-term opportunities can be planned, especially in the current dynamic economy. Previous studies on CRM models/frameworks, particularly in the developing countries, were devoid of cultural context and customer pressure (the environmental context), employee engagement (organizational context), and security factor (the technology context). This study seeks to analyze the applicability of the existing success factors associated with CRM adoption that might enhance organizational performance. A new conceptual framework that examines the effects of critical success factors (CSF) on CRM adoption which impact organizational performance among SMEs in Palestine is then necessary to be proposed. A survey instrument validated by five experts and pilot tested with 35 respondents was employed as the technique for data collection. A total of 520 questionnaires were distributed through e-mail, and 331 were returned. The collected data was analyzed to validate the conceptual framework using Partial Least Square-Structured Equation Modelling analysis. The results of quantitative analysis revealed that the compatibility, security, top management support, information policies, financial resources, employee engagement, competitive pressure customers pressure, attitude toward adoption technology, information integrity, information sharing have significant effects on CRM adoption by SMEs in Palestine. However, the factors of IT infrastructure, complexity, and relative advantage are the reverse. The results also show that firm size moderates the relationship between four factors (top management support, customers pressure, compatibility, and IT infrastructure) and CRM adoption, but not on the relationship between the other success factors (competitive pressure, security, complexity, relative advantage) and CRM adoption. The quantitative approach was then succeeded by a qualitative study to verify the CRM adoption framework to confirm the applicability of the framework. The findings of the study could be used in monitoring the adoption of CRM by the SMEs in Palestine.,Ph.D
Pages: 311
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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