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Title: Electronic records retention schedule framework for institution of higher learning in Malaysia
Authors: Yousef Ibrahim Abuzawayda (P54326)
Supervisor: Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Electronic records
Higher learning
Information technology
Issue Date: 20-Nov-2013
Description: It is acknowledged that records governance is omnipresence in the competitive world of today. However, studies on records management in general and on records retention schedule in particular is scarce. Much of previous studies were focusing on the creation and utilisation of records which are only a part of the entire records management elements. Records retention schedules are rarely addressed because firstly, records management is still at its infancy in many countries and secondly, researchers tend to emphasise only on the control of records creation, storage and retrieval to overcome the overwhelming issues in records management practice. This study seeks to investigate the implementation of records retention schedule practice in public universities in Malaysia. The main purpose of this study is to propose a records retention schedule framework and to design an Automated Records Retention Schedule technique which is crucial in order to prevent ad hoc disposal of records. This is to ensure the final destiny of records is in accordance with agreed policies and schedules formulated. Prior to the designing of a technique, a snapshot study on the problems faced by records personnel is revealed, which hinder records management and governance to flourish. For this, a survey was carried out where interview was chosen as the technique to collect data. Records personnel from seven public universities located in the Klang Valley was interviewed from during the months of January and February of the year 2012. The data was processed using the statistical tool SPSS version 17 to investigate the viewpoints of the respondents where frequency tests were carried out. The survey revealed that the absence of clearly written policy, inappropriate infrastructure and lack of training are prominent in the samples surveyed. It was also revealed that having an automated records retention schedule would help universities in managing their records effectively. Thus, the findings prompted the designing of a records retention schedule technique. The technique was designed using the software PHP and the database was developed using MySQL. The technique has all the features of an automated records retention schedule which could help the university to ensure records are retained for the required period of time before deciding whether to destroy or records of enduring value are permanently preserved.,Ph.D.
Pages: 211
Call Number: T58.5.A228 2013 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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