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Title: Computational performance of quadratic and cubic lucas based cryptosystems
Authors: Reza Naghizadeh Majid (P62476)
Supervisor: Elankovan Sundararajan, Dr.
Keywords: Quadratic Lucas cryptosystem
Cubic Lucas cryptosystem
Computer security
Issue Date: 15-May-2015
Description: Lucas function is a linear recurrence relation and known as one of several trapdoor functions used in Lucas based cryptosystems for encoding and decoding of plaintext. According to the order of this linear recurrence relation which is two or three, the Quadratic Lucas cryptosystem (LUC2) and Cubic Lucas cryptosystem (LUC3) have been developed as two different public key cryptosystems. The strength of both cryptosystems is similar to RSA cryptosystem and it depends on the difficulty of factoring large integers. By increasing the processing power and availability of cheaper processing technology, the factorization of integers become easier, then it makes the intruders to decipher the key easily. Hence, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommended increasing public key parameter size in cryptographic algorithms to remedy of factoring the key. However, employing the large value of key size along with large plaintext size in trapdoor function will affect on the computational performance of cryptosystem. The main purpose of this research is to concentrate on computational performance of LUC2 and LUC3 cryptosystems. Therefore, the computational complexity of previous fast methods on LUC2 and LUC3 cryptosystems are scrutinized and analyzed separately. The new fast algorithms are developed to accelerate encryption and decryption processes in these cryptosystems. The proposed methods are based on mathematical techniques, sequential algorithms and parallel algorithms. Fast Fourier Transform Multiplication (FFTM) and Barrett reduction along with new properties of second and third order of Lucas functions are used for designing the fast algorithms. Furthermore, OpenMP shared memory parallel programming technique is applied for implementing the proposed parallel algorithms of both cryptosystems. For evaluating the computational performance, the proposed algorithms and the existing algorithms for both cryptosystems will be carried out for different size of parameters to record the computation times. Assessing the performance of all algorithms for both cryptosystems regarding to experimental data and mathematical analysis indicates the efficiency of proposed algorithms.,Ph.D
Pages: 162
Call Number: QA76.9.A25 M344 2015 3
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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