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Title: Absence of mothering: a cartography of characters' minds through investigation of psychological interactions in Ian Mcewan's selected novels
Authors: Roohollah Reesi Sistani (P59471)
Supervisor: Ruzy Suliza Hashim, Prof
Keywords: Characters minds
Psychological interactions
Ian Mcewan novels
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2015
Description: This research is a psychoanalytic reading of the selected major works of Ian McEwan, a contemporary British novelist. Specifically, the research aims to produce a cartography of characters' minds through the investigation of psychological complexes in the context of a depriving or unsatisfying primary child-mother love bond between male and female figures in Ian McEwan's The Cement Garden, Enduring Love, and Atonement. I employ a theoretical framework based on a synthesized theory of Kleinnian, Fairbairnian, and Winnicottian object relations from a pre-Oedipal perspective concentrating on the individuals' primary care givers, particularly the mother. Through the use of the combined framework of Klein, Fairbairn, and Winnicott, it is demonstrated that deprivation from the establishment of a satisfying relationship with the primary love caretakers, in particular the mother, can wreak havoc in the individuals' psyche both in their childhood and adulthood. Therefore, by focusing on the residues and re-enactments of the depriving primary child-mother love bond whether explicitly as in The Cement Garden and Atonement or implicitly as in Enduring Love, it is argued that these anxieties are attributed to infantile tensions and frustrations. The analysis reveals that psychoanalytical origins of the psychological complexes such as alienation from community, ambivalent feelings toward caregivers, incestuous relationships, sexual deviations, infantile regressions, denial of reality, feelings of guilt, and obsessions exemplified by the characters are due to the absence of mothering. The implication of this study shows the literary manifestation of the great importance of this primary child-mother relationship and how its inadequate relationship can contribute to deep psychic anxiety which debilitates emotional and social growth.,Ph.D.
Pages: 238
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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