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Title: Traffic aware for TVWS resource allocation strategies based on non-cooperative economic game model
Authors: Anabi Hilary Kelechi (P65237)
Supervisor: Rosdiadee Nordin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir.
Keywords: Game theory
Television frequency allocation
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 6-Jan-2017
Description: Television White Space (TVWS) is the spectrum holes in the allocated UHF TV bands (470-790 MHz) and has been proposed as one of the candidate solution to address the temporarily spectrum crunch problems facing wireless communications. In order to stimulate and encourage the deployment of TVWS technology, short term spectrum trading which is an act of buying and trading of TVWS is currently being exploited. Short term spectrum trading offers the Primary User (PU) who are the original owners of the spectrum the platform to temporarily lease out their currently unoccupied spectrum portion (sub-channels, timeslots) to the TVWS networks for a fee determined by auction mechanisms and moderated by the Spectrum Broker (SB) entity. As a result of short term spectrum trading, TVWS technology faces considerable challenges. First, the design and implementation of cheat-proof, low bidding rounds resource allocation algorithm capable of sustaining and maintaining TVWS end-users given Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE). Secondly, self-coexistence issue which focuses on designing dynamic spectrum sharing etiquette between collocated TVWS networks needs to be addressed using transmit power level reduction motivated by financial incentives. The main goal of this work is to utilize economic game theory to design traffic aware TVWS resource allocation strategies based on non-cooperative game theory. Using mathematical modelling, the complexity of TVWS resource allocation convex Nondeterministic-Polynomial-hard (NP-hard) optimization problem which cannot be solved in polynomial time was reduced with the help of Lagrange multipliers after invoking the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. Two end-users traffic scenarios were considered in this study which are: heavy and light traffic scenarios resulting in two game theory solutions. The resulting solutions are: Simple Mechanism Auction Reward Truthful algorithm (SMART) and Discounted spectrum price Game-based Resource Allocation in a Competitive Environment (D-GRACE) using uplink soft frequency reuse strategy. SMART is a low complexity iterative first price sealed-bid double sided TVWS auction resource algorithm suitable for exclusive dynamic spectrum sharing algorithm in the uplink and downlink mode. Theoretical simulations indicated that SMART outperforms the benchmark algorithm, VERUM by more than 20% in instantaneous throughput metrics. To address the self-coexistence issue, D-GRACE uplink soft frequency reuse transmits power strategy was proposed. D-GRACE is a non-exclusive dynamic spectrum sharing technique for collocated TVWS networks. Specifically, D-GRACE is a transmit power reduction strategy motivated by financial incentives during light TVWS end-users traffic. When compared to existing non-market inspired TVWS self-coexistence resource allocation algorithm under the same scenario, D-GRACE exhibited superior power saving of 2.5 dBm and converged after five (5) iterations. While the non-market utilities consumed 7.8 dBm transmission power and converged after two (2) iterations. Thus, there is 30% power efficiency improvement with D-GRACE. Moreover, the study has shown that economic-based non-cooperative game theory has the capability for the implementation of a low complexity and intense dynamic spectrum sharing regime in TVWS technology.,Certification of Master's / Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 154
Call Number: TK6643.K435 2017 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina

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