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Title: An interactive book app in bahasa Malaysia as a speech-language therapy tool for children with special needs
Authors: Bao Xin Gang (P74176)
Supervisor: Suhaila Zainudin, Dr.
Keywords: Interactive story books
Interactive multimedia
Issue Date: 31-May-2017
Description: Interactive story books (ISB) mobile application is an app designed for children to practice their speech, language and literacy skills. Many ISB apps have been developed for children of different ages and is mainly in English language. ISB has the potential to be used to support education and learning for children with special needs. These apps include visual and auditory artifacts that demonstrate language and can be an effective aid for children with difficulties with speech and language skills. In the context of Malaysia, the development of ISB suffers from a lack of practical experience with children, especially for the children who have special needs in reading and speaking tasks. The evidence is based on the lack of apps for the children whose first language is Bahasa Malaysia. In this research, we focused on Malaysian children who have speech-language disorder and their parents. The children and their parents were asked to answer a survey about the ISB requirement. The survey focused on collecting the requirement for the ISB targeted for special needs children. The questionnaires have been developed based on elements of structural assurance which are identified from literature review. Likert scale that rates from "Strongly Disagree" to Strongly Agree has been developed to identify parents perception towards specific design ideas. parents had to answer the questions regarding information about the parents, information about the children, and the requirements of the app. The survey data were analyzed to get the requirements for the app. Based on the requirements, the ISB was developed using the Android platform. The interactive book app includes three parts: ISB, speech exercise and animated songs. There is a media player to record and play the children's voices as a way for them to practice their pronunciation. There is also a media player to control the videos to stop or play. After the prototype of interactive book app is developed, the experts with experience in speech-language therapy and the parents with children who have special needs evaluated the app separately in another two surveys. The two surveys are targeted for collecting the evaluation on the prototype of interactive book app (content and usability). The respondents agree with the content of the interactive book app and the respondents also agree with the usability (usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and satisfaction) of the interactive book app. The main contribution of this study is the interactive book app for speech-language therapy that allows carry-over language therapy to be performed by the parents of children with special needs consistently at home without the presence of speech-language therapist. Other than that, the app is also developed through a well-designed methodology by involving the experts and parents of children with special needs in order to fulfill the requirement of their need.,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 227
Call Number: QA76.76.I59G366 2017 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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