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Title: Lifetime maximization of wireless sensor network using energy aware topology control algorithm
Authors: Ali Abduljabbar Ali (P75804)
Supervisor: Khairul Azmi Abu Bakar, Dr.
Keywords: Networks
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Issue Date: 14-Nov-2017
Description: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have emerged as one of the most common and widely spread wireless networks which has been widely deployed in different fields and environments. To provide reliable functionalities in WSN, most WSN applications require essential network services which can manage data collection, synchronization and localization where WSN has limited resources and low energy in particular. Topology control algorithms aim to conserve energy and improve the network capacity by choosing the right transmission power and neighbours such that the network is connected and has desired properties. In WSN, topology far nodes send data of their messages over different paths, which require higher amounts of energy than nodes which are near sink nodes. On the other hand, if any parent node in the topology fails due to technical error or energy depletion, nodes that send data over these failed nodes consume more energy and experience high data loss due to selecting higher cost paths or failing to find an alternative one. In this thesis, energy aware and fault tolerance topology control has been proposed which mainly can build topology to minimize energy consumption and rebuild affected parts of the network topology in case of parent node failure. The proposed topology control mechanism has two main phases, the topology building phase and the fault tolerance phase. WSN topology is built to minimize the maximum relative load of each topology node which can minimize power consumption and maximize the network lifetime. On the other hand, in the fault tolerance phase, the proposed mechanism monitors WSN nodes and in case of node failure, the affected part of the network topology is re-built and the affected node can resume data collection immediately. The proposed topology control mechanism has been implemented and simulated using the NS2 simulator and compared against other latest proposed topology control mechanisms. Results show that the proposed mechanism reduces the maximum relative load up to 35% compared to when no topology network. However, the packet delivery ratio and network throughput has been increased up to 44% when failure tolerance topology control mechanism is used in case of node failure.,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 128
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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