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Title: Malay to Arabic rule-based machine translation based on word ordering and agreement
Authors: Hamzah Abdalla Abd Algader Al-Shorman (P52677)
Supervisor: Mohd. Juzaidin Ab Aziz, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Malay
Rule-based machine translation
Word ordering
Natural language processing (Computer science)
Issue Date: 10-May-2012
Description: In the modern world, there is an increased need for language translation. Attempts of language translation are as old as computer themselves. Machine Translation has been defined as the process that utilizes computer software to translate text from one natural language to another. This definition involves accounting for the grammatical structure of each language and using rules, examples and grammars to transfer the grammatical structure of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). The main problem of MT is to get an accurate translation between the source and target languages in order of synchronize the meaning of the words. The Agreement and Word-ordering play an important role with this structure, as MT should handle agreement between the subject and verb where the number gender, person and features of the subject are important factors in the derivation of the verb as well as the features of the verb itself. Other agreements are required between the adjective and the noun where Arabic adjectives depend on the number, gender and person as well as the definiteness and indefiniteness of the noun. Some other agreements also exist between the numbers and the countable nouns. This thesis examines the handling of agreement and word ordering in Arabic MT systems. The thesis represents a rule-based approach in Malay to Arabic MT and emphasis is given in handling agreement and word ordering. The proposed methodology is flexible and scalable, the main advantages are: first, it is a rule-based approach, and second, it can be applied on some other languages with minor modifications. The database has been designed to be flexible where most of the rules are defined in tables. The Pola Grammar Technique is used to analyze the input and return the part of speech (POS) as pre-translation process. The database consists of many tables, basically, lexicon, grammar, pre-derivation, derivation, and irregular tables. A major design of this system is that it will be used as a stand-alone tool, and can be very well integrated with a general machine translation system for Malay sentences. Evaluation of the system has been carried out using 50 independent test examples. The result shows 84.0% accuracy of the translation from Malay to Arabic languages. This study shows 16.0 % incorrect translations due to applying incorrect rules or there ambiguous of words.,Ph.D
Pages: 91
Call Number: QA76.9.N38.S547 2012 3
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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