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Title: Prison gangs for prison life survivability: a case study of kiri-kiri maximum security prison Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Okwunwanne Uzoamaka (P69449)
Supervisor: Chan Kim Ling Geraldine, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Survivability
Prison gangs
Kiri-kiri prison
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2020
Description: This study explores and explains prison life survivability in harsh prison conditions through prison gang formation in Kiri-Kiri Maximum Security Prison, Lagos Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to explore the types of prison gangs in Kiri-Kiri Prison, to explain the reasons prisoners form prison gangs and to explain how prisoners form prison gangs. This study used a qualitative case study approach to collect data from 32 prison gangs and 2 prison staffs purposively selected for this study. The coping and human relations theory were used as the theoretical base with support from the deprivation and the administrative control models to understand prison gangs for prison life survivability. The study revealed that the types of prison gangs in Kiri-Kiri Maximum Prison are the chief warder gang, deputy controller of prison gang, yardmaster gang, kitchen gang, welding gang, educational gang, bricklayers gang, barbers gang, football gang, electrical gang, carpentry gang, tailoring gang and shoemaking gang. The findings also showed that the reason prisoners form prison gangs is because of the need to cope with prison life, to fulfil the prison authority's needs, for prosocial support and the need for rehabilitation. The findings from this study also discovered that prison gangs are formed through socialisation, social interaction, shared values and shared norms. The study has implication as it has provided an insight for the Nigerian authority on how to solve the needs of the prisoners and prison gangs as well as to increase societal's understanding on prison gangs for prison life survivability.,Masters In Social Sciences
Pages: 186
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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