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dc.contributor.authorNurul Istifadah-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of economic development is to improve the economic growth highly, job opportunities, price+stability, and have to ability in deleating and declining the level of poverty and income inequality, How it can reach the goal? It was determined by development strategy can be choiced. The spatial approach to the national development problem is not only about the regional equality, but also the regional inequality. It is the serious problem. Several region reached economic growth fastly, but the others were slowly. The level of regional progressing is different, because they have differentially resources and redistribution income inequality from the centre government to the local government. Usually, Investor prefer to invest their capital in the cities where they have facilities, such as transportation, electricity networking, telecommunication, banking, insurance, and skill labor. (Kuncoro, 2004: 127) East Java Province is the biggest population density among others in Indonesia. Probably, inequality can be happened for among kabupaten / kota in East Java Province, because they have the differential resources and development output. The differentiating of development level among kabupaten / kota in East Java will have impact for differentially level of the regional welfare, and cause regional inequality higher than that one. In order that, it required classification of the kabupaten / kota di Jawa Timur based on economic fundamental indicator. The fundamental indicator of regional economic is the riel condition of the regional economic such as: region economic growth, Gross Domestic Regional Bruto (GDRB) per capita, and Human Development Indeks (HDI) (Kuncoro, 2004: 125). This research is intended to know (1) how classified kabupaten / kota in East Java based on economic growth, income per capita, and Human Development Index (HDI), (2) based on the classification, we will know about the pattern of spatial inequality for the kabupaten / kota in East Java Province, (3) summarized strategy for spatial inequality among kabupaten / kota in East Java. Researching for the pattern of spatial inequality of the kabupaten I kota in East Java use to make economic growth indicator, income per capita, and Human Development Index. And, to know spatial inequality among kabupaten / kota in East Java used to make inequality index Williamson and entropi Theil. The larger Entropi Theil index, the greater tbe inequality, and Williamson index is too. Keywords: spatial inequality, economic growth, income per capita, HDI. PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan ekonomi daerah adalah suatu proses dimana pemerintah daerah dan masyarakatnya mengelola sumberdaya yang ada dan membentuk suatu pola kemitraan antara pemerintah daerah dengan sektor swasta untuk menciptakan suatu lapangan kerja barn dan merangsang kegiatan ekonomi dalam wilayah tersebut (Arsyad, 1999; Blakely, 1989; Kuncoro, 2004: 127) .-
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,UKM, Bangi-
dc.subjectPembangunan ekonomi -- Indonesia-
dc.titleStrategi percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penanggulangan ketimpangan spasial antar kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur-
dc.typeSeminar Papers-
dc.identifier.callnoHD29.I556 2005 sem-
dc.contributor.conferencenameInternational Seminar [on] Empowering Economy & Business in Free Trade Era-
dc.coverage.conferencelocationFakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta-
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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