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dc.contributor.authorYetty Sarjono-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at understanding of understanding, namely to understand the formalization as percerved by the vendors, the entrepreneurs of Department stores, and the municipal government officials ofSurakarta. In a phenomenology approach, the term formalization is interpreted by a government official as a movement of vendors who usually sells their merchandises from the sidewalk to the permanent stalls. In because motives, the realization of the formalization results from (1) chaos, (2) low distribution, and (3) social jealousy; and in in order to motives, it is intended to create (1) public order, (2) levy a tax, and (3) actualize social equity. To the vendors, the term formalization is interpreted as a step to increase welfare and equity. It means that the formalization is treated as a movement from the sidewalk, a place to sell their merchandises to the permanent places (both in stalls and the department store), with the increased welfare or profit. In this context, the term equity is interpreted as baving the same right among the individuals to get a place for a business. The termformalization is also interpreted as one of the ways to decrease social jealousy that they have currently experienced. It seems that this social jealousy results from the government official's unfairness to the individuals. In because motives, the realization of the formalization results from removing, insisting municipal government, discriminating, and generating limited revenue; and in in order 10 motives, it is intended to get a permanent area, actualize the government's want, create an equity and increase welfare and income. To the entrepreneurs of Department stores, the formalization is interpreted as an interest in approaching the vendors to do a business in the Department Stores. The factor in security has a priority in doing a business and it becomes a need for them. They treat the vendors as their business counterparts. The realization of the formalization results from the anxiety for the violence on May 1998. In because motives, the realization of the formalization results from (I) feeling anxious, (2) incomplete and inefficient, (3) unattractive, and (4) responding the municipal goverrunent's want; and in in order to motives, it is intended to create a sense of security, (2) get complete items and efficiency, (3) lead to attractiveness, (4) draw the government's attention to individual interests. Keywords: Vendor, formalization, phenomenology, informal economic one. PENDAHULUAN Dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kebijakan formalisasi terhadap pedagang kakilima di Surakarta, khususnya pasca peristiwa kerusuhan pertengahan Mei 1998. Sasaran formalisasi tersebut ditujukan kepada pedagang kakilima, baik yang berada di jalanan maupun yang berada di sekitar toko swalayan. Kesadaran untuk melakukan formalisasi ini sudah tentu juga dipengaruhi oleh latar pendidikan yang dimiliki oleh masing-niasing pedagang. Formalisasi tersebut dilakukan oleh pemerintah kota dan pengusaha toko swalayan. Kebijakan formalisasi ini nampaknya akan terus berlanjut seiring dengan perkembangan pembangunan dan kondisi kota, dan tata ruang kota, Penelitian dilakukan di kota Surakarta, karena adanya beberapa alasan pokok. (I) Akibat terjadinya kerusuhan dan kekerasan massal, di Kota Surakarta ini khususnya pada tanggal 14 - 16 Mei 1998 terjadi peristiwa pembakaran yang sangat hebat terhadap keberadaan toko swalayan, di luar ibu kota Jakarta. Dalam tinjauan sosiologis kondisi demikian menunjukkan adanya resistensi para pelaku terhadap Negara. Peristiwa semacam ini-
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,UKM, Bangi-
dc.subjectFormalisasi pedagang kakilima-
dc.subjectDalam rangka pemberdayaan sektor ekonomi-
dc.subjectInformal studi kasus di suakarta-
dc.titleFormalisasi pedagang kakilima dalam rangka pemberdayaan sektor ekonomi informal studi kasus di suakarta-
dc.typeSeminar Papers-
dc.format.pages18 p.-
dc.identifier.callnoHD29.I556 2005 sem.-
dc.contributor.conferencenameInternational Seminar [on] Empowering Economy & Business in Free Trade Era-
dc.coverage.conferencelocationFakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta-
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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