Browsing by Author Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Conservation through educationRoland E. Sharma; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Domestic and trade wastes in MalaysiaR. E. Strafford; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Endangered freshwater and marine environments and conservation of coral reefsRichard Lulofs; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Environmental pollution in MalaysiaMehar Singh Gill; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The environmental quality billG. Sulaiman lyer; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The environmental quality billMohd. Yusof Mohd. Johor; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The environmental quality bill - the role of the public in the anti-pollution effortVincent Lowe; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Improving the urban environmentLim Chong Keat; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-National ecosystem reserves: key to success in nature conservationB. C. Stone; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The role of gardens and recreational areas in MalaysiaLim Wah Ching; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Use and misuse of land and the effects (such as flooding, erosion, forestry and land use regulations)Abdul Manap Ahmad; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-Use and misuse of land, ancient and modern problemsNicolae Atanasiu; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment
-The use of pesticides and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and their potential roles in environmental pollution in MalaysiaH. H. Yap; Seminar on Modernisation and the Environment