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dc.contributor.authorRolf B Engwall-
dc.contributor.editorAnders Åkerblom-
dc.description.abstractThis report on the discharge of certain presumed pollutants into the Baltic Sea is part of the BALTIC PROJECT, the main purpose of which is to provide more extensive knowledge about the pollution conditions of the Baltic and the factors influencing these conditions, in order to produce a reliable platform of experience and facts for administrative decisions and actions in the future. One of the main reasons for starting the BALTIC PROJECT was an increasing deterioration of the water quality of the Baltic. Decreasing oxygen values and a subsequent increase in the incidence and distribution of hydrogen sulphide have for some years been well-known features of the deep waters of the central Baltic. Similar signs of water quality deterioration have been reported in other parts of the Baltic.en_US
dc.publisherNational Swedish Environment Protection Boarden_US
dc.subjectBaltic Seaen_US
dc.titleSwedish municipal and industrial discharges into the Balticen_US
dc.typeSeminar Papersen_US
dc.identifier.callnoGC1271.S68 1971 semen_US
dc.contributor.conferencenameSoviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic-
dc.coverage.conferencelocationStockholm, Sweden-
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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