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Title: Use of hiding space to increase the stocking density and production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides reared in floating net cages
Authors: Teng Seng Keh
Chua Thia-Eng
Conference Name: Marine Science Conference
Keywords: Fisheries
Floating cage
Conference Date: 1978-08-05
Conference Location: Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang
Abstract: The relative growth and production of estuary grouper (Epinephelus salmoides?) in response to seven combinations of hiding space and stocking density were studied. The experiments were conducted in floating net-cages. Used car tyres were suspended in the net-cages to provide hiding space for the fish. The seven combinations of hiding space and stocking density were as follows:- 3 Hiding Space (cm³/fish) : 0 116 181 222 251 272 289 Stocking Density (fish/m³):60 24 103 132 156 180 204 Provision of hiding space in the net-cages has been found to permit further increase of the optimal stocking density from the usual rate of 60 fish/m3 to 153 fish/m³. The net-production was found to increase from 8.5 kg/m3 to 19.5 kg/m³ after three months. Growth in terms of weight-gain per fish, survival rate and food conversion ratio at stocking ates below 156 fish/m with hiding space between 116 - 222 cm³/fish were comparable to those observed at the optimal stocking density without hiding space (60 fish/m³). The growth of fish stocked at 180 - 204 fish/m³ with hiding space of 272 - 289 cm³/fish respectively was found to be significantly depressed.
Pages: 1-2
Call Number: GC1015.M3 1978c semkat
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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