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Title: The 200 mile exclusive economic zone and its implications to fisheries
Authors: Tengku Ubaidillah Abdul Kadir
Conference Name: Marine Science Conference
Keywords: Fisheries
Exclusive economic zone
Conference Date: 1978-08-05
Conference Location: Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang
Abstract: The extension of national jurisdiction over the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) with width of 200 nautical miles is a development in the world fisheries of far reaching effect which has been discussed already in a great many meetings and has already been the subject of many papers in legal, scientific and other publications. However, as far as Malaysia is concerned her participation in such discussion has been mainly confined to the international forums. I, therefore, feel greatly honoured upon being asked to present a paper on the subject to this Conference; and as far as I am aware this is the first time the subject is being discussed at a national level forum.
Pages: 1-7
Call Number: GC1015.M3 1978c semkat
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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