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dc.contributor.authorAzmi Mat Akhir-
dc.contributor.authorNorliza Mohd Ali-
dc.contributor.editorAilin Ton-
dc.contributor.editorAbd Jamil Mohd Ali-
dc.contributor.editorBeng Paik-
dc.description.abstractKampong Seronok, which literally means 'Happy Village', is located in the south-eastern part of the Island of Pulau Pinang in the district of Bayan Lepas. It is just another of those Malay villages or 'kampung', common in the sub-urban areas of this country, consisting of both settlements and farm lands. Of late, this village has emerged as one of the popular tourist attraction spots, especially in the State of Pulau Pinang. The unique feature of Kampung Seronok lies in the cohesive efforts of its inhabitants to collaboratively utilize existing resources, both human and physical, from within the village itself in beautifying it and carrying out socio-cultural and agricultural activities. These efforts by its people have won the village special recognition at both the national and international levels. Such achievements have caught the eyes of many tourist agencies and taking advantage of the fact that these socio-cultural and agricultural activities exist in a sub-urban setting of only a short drive from the city centre, these agencies have, since then, included the village as one of the spots to be visited by their respective tourist groups. Consequently, the Village Security and Development Committee has further improved its socio-cultural and agricultural activities by giving them even more touristic touches. The visitors have the opportunity to have a try at several traditional agricultural works such as tapping rubber, catching fish from the ponds, collecting quail's eggs. etc, or even a feeling of doing kitchen chores at the village's Traditional House. With special arrangements the visitors can also be entertained with music, songs and dances by the village's cultural troupe as well as refreshments, lunches and dinners at nominal costs.en_US
dc.subjectTourism industryen_US
dc.titleKampung Seronok : a model for agrotourismen_US
dc.typeSeminar Papersen_US
dc.identifier.callnoG155.M3I57 1992 katsemen_US
dc.contributor.conferencenameInternational Conference on Agrotourism Industry-
dc.coverage.conferencelocationHotel Hilton, Kuala Lumpur-
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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