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Title: Farm tourism and recreation in the United Kingdom
Authors: W.P. Davies
J.C. Turner
Editors: Ailin Ton
Abd Jamil Mohd Ali
Beng Paik
Conference Name: International Conference on Agrotourism Industry
Keywords: Farm tourism
United Kingdom
Conference Date: 1992-07-28
Conference Location: Hotel Hilton, Kuala Lumpur
Abstract: Use of the countryside for tourism and recreation has a long tradition in the United Kingdom. 'Bed and Breakfast' accommodation has been available on farms in upland and coastal areas since the 1800's - and farming has provided opportunities for rural pursuits of hunting, shooting and fishing for countries. Traditions of hospitality and providing food for seasonal farm workers have contributed to the development of farm-based holidays, and the farmer's wife continues to play a central role. Farm tourism and recreation has grown with an increasing requirement for access to the countryside, better private mobility, more leisure time, and the demand for fresh air and active pastimes. A decline in farm income has necessitated further diversification of UK farm businesses; 33 percent of which are now engaged in non-traditional agricultural enterprises. Diversification is particularly significant in less favourable areas for agricultural production, and varies considerably between regions. Approximately 40 percent of farm diversification enterprises have been initiated during the last six years, but many fail. Approximately 14 000 farms benefit from tourist income; 70 percent of which are in less favoured areas. On average the tourist income is less that five percent of the farm total, and is often incident to main production revenue. Accommodation can provide the highest and lowest returns, with increasing 'self-catering' facilities being commonly regarded as an appreciating asset. Farm-based recreation has developed particularly strongly in urban fringe areas in the agricultural lowlands, and 'day-trippers' constitute 65 percent of the demand. Ingredients for success include a good location; family appeal of the farm venue, and a positive approach from the farmer host. Problems may arise from lack of business management expertise; lack of finance; tenancy restrictions and poor farmer attitude. Case-studies of different types of farm tourism and recreation will be developed in the presented paper.
ISBN: 983-99850
Pages: 59-77
Call Number: G155.M3I57 1992 katsem
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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