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Title: Agrotourism - is there scope in Malaysia
Authors: Zainal Arshad
Editors: Ailin Ton
Abd Jamil Mohd Ali
Beng Paik
Conference Name: International Conference on Agrotourism Industry
Keywords: Agrotourism
Conference Date: 1992-07-28
Conference Location: Hotel Hilton, Kuala Lumpur
Abstract: Tourism today has become a major economic activity in many countries It is a good way of promoting national integration, peace and international understanding Tourism in Malaysia b seen as a top foreign exchange earner. As such, the government has indicated that tourism will be one of its major investment priorities. In tourism terms, agrotourism can be defined as a special interest tour to a rural area to gain experience from 3 place and its people and their economic activities Like many countries around the world, the rural areas of Malaysia have many visitor attractions. Visitor attractions are at the forefront of any destination's development. They cover any resource which is managed for the enjoyment and/ or education of the tourist and are generally regarded as being an essential element for any successful destination. Malaysia is a tropical wonderland. It is abundantly green and is home to over 11 000 known species of flora and fauna. The agricultural sector is still one of the pillars of our economy. Therefore, is there scope for Agrotourism in Malaysia? The answer is a definite YES.
ISBN: 983-99850
Pages: 1-9
Call Number: G155.M3I57 1992 katsem
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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