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Title: Significance of Theravada Buddhism in everyday lives of Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan
Authors: Pue Giok Hun
Conference Name: Reexamining Interdependent Relations in Southeast Asia
Keywords: Theravada Buddhism -- History
Peranakan (Asian people) -- Kelantan -- Social life and customs
Conference Date: 2010-03-25
Conference Location: Equatorial Hotel, Bangi, Selangor
Abstract: In Malaysia, religion is one of important ethnic identity markers for some ethnic groups such as Malay, Sikh and Thai. The same, however, might not apply to ethnic Chinese. Instead, they adhere to a variety of religions such as Confucianism, Taoism, ancestor worship, local folk belief and Christianity. More often than not, they practice more than one above mentioned religions simultaneously under an umbrella label, viz. 'Chinese religion'. Similar phenomenon may also be found in a highly assimilating Chinese subethnic group such as Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan (here onwards PCK). Interestingly, this community is unique compared to other communities of Peranakan Chinese as well as mainstream Chinese in terms of their identification with Theravada Buddhism as part of their Chinese religion. In this aspect, PCK shares a similarity with ethnic Thai, which is another minority ethnic group in the state. Whilst interethnic relationship between Thai and PCK has been well-studied, relationship between Theravada Buddhism as a religious institution and PCK is still little known. This paper attempts to take a closer look on significance of Theravada Buddhism with focus on Sangha and Wat institutions in everyday lives of PCK.
Pages: 36
Call Number: DS524.7.I553 2010 katsem
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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