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Title: Development of sustainable building rating system for Oman
Authors: Muhannad Fadhil Ahmed Al-Jebouri (P62721)
Supervisor: Sudharshan N. Raman, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Sustainable buildings -- Oman
Sustainable development -- Oman
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2019
Description: Sustainable building rating systems have significant capabilities to improve the performance of buildings throughout their life cycle and have become a crucial avenue in construction industry. A grown body of knowledge of sustainable buildings on international and regional levels is observed. On the local level, no dedicated sustainable building rating system currently exists for Oman. The enhanced and feasible economic, social and environmental performance of sustainable buildings has a great role in achievement of sustainable development goals. The Sultanate of Oman possess its unique local context, geographical conditions, built environment constraints, building traditions, culture and social development. The National Comprehensive Development Plan of Oman Vision 2040 aims to bring the country into a more a sustainable life style. The governmental requirements including the Omanization program, have also been highly considered in this vision. The aim of this study is to develop a framework for sustainable building rating system in Oman and to fill the gap of sustainability requirement and knowledge on national scale. The components of the system are designed to include: themes; categories and indicators. The research methodology was based on the analyses of three issues: the international sustainability initiatives including United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of 2015, and detailed and updated clauses of Agenda 21, a compilation of international and regional rating systems, and the impact of the local context, government requirements and built environment constraints of Oman. The research adopted descriptive approach, quantitative and qualitative techniques that include field work survey strategy (interviews and questionnaire). It involves two main stages: First stage focuses on formulating themes, assessment categories and their relevant performance indicators, which are validated through conducting a survey including different stakeholders of the industry from building engineers, building regulators, and sustainability experts. The structure of the proposed system is composed of 5 themes (environmental, economic, social, cultural and governance requirements), 11 categories, and 86 indicators. Pairwise and direct ranking method comparisons are used to examine the weights of each category and the relative importance of each indicator respectively. The analysis of survey data shows that a prominent relative importance are given to water efficiency, indoor environment quality, natural and human resources, social, and governance requirements. The second stage involves the development and validation of the proposed system through proposing a spreadsheet aid design application and is used to test the level of sustainability for existing sustainable building case study which was certified by United States' Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design System. The study concludes with a proposal of framework of a sustainable building rating system with a hierarchy of three levels: Themes, Categories, and Indicators. The system will be a pilot rating system for multi residential and multi-use buildings at present. The research output shall help and promote future studies to develop a detailed assessment system and criteria/parameter for sustainable construction in Oman.,Soft copy cannot be uploaded,Ph.D.
Pages: 318
Call Number: TH880.J433 2019 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina

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