Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina : [611] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 611
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Remaining useful life prediction of lithium ion batteries using an optimised recurrent neural network.pdf.jpg2023-01-06Remaining useful life prediction of lithium ion batteries using an optimised recurrent neural networkAfida Ayob, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Shaheer Ansari (P100855)
Tesis Adam Tan (2).pdf.jpg2022-12-224D cone-beam computed tomography for external-beam radiotherapyAshrani, Dr.; Adam Tan Mohd Amin (P84237)
AZLI ARIFIN(5.1.22).pdf.jpg2022-12-08Pencirian parameter kebocoran fluks magnet berasaskan pertumbuhan retak lesu pada nisbah tegasan berbezaAhmad Kamal Ariffin, Prof. Dr.; Azli Arifin (P63104)
OSAMA ABRAHIEM(4.1.22).pdf.jpg2022-12-16Phytoremediation of pharmaceuticals in sewage using pilot sub-surface flow constracted wetlandSiti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Prof. Ir. Dr.; Osama Abrahiem Muhamed Al-Falahi (P84110)
Haider Abdulhameed - TERBUKA.pdf.jpg2022-11-29Propagation characterization of a low altitude platform for wireless internet of things network using hybrid machine learningMandeep Singh A/L Jit Singh, Prof. Ir. Dr.; Haider Abdulhameed M. Jawad Al Obaidy (P92976)
Thermal and Spalling Behaviour of High Performance Concrete Tunnel Lining (2) (2).pdf.jpg2022-04-14Thermal and spalling behaviour of high-performance concrete tunnel lining at road tunnel fire temperatureRoszilah Hamid, Prof. Dr.; Husen Abduallah Alhawat (P86110)
Establishment of mathematical model for fatigue life.pdf.jpg2021-12-08Establishment of mathematical model for fatigue life assessment of an automotive coil spring under random strain loadsShahrum Abdullah, Prof. Ir. Dr.; Reza Manouchehrynia (P84483)
2019-10-31A novel pico hydro power-microbial electrolysis cell coupled system for the production of biohydrogen from palm oil mill effluentMohd Sahaid Kalil, Prof. Dr.; Abudukeremu Kadier (P83828)
2020-02-18Fatigue crack growth prediction of ultra-thin 301L stainless steel sheet using genetic algorithm and fuzzy inference systemZainuddin Sajuri, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Ammar Adil Abulnabe (P67934)
2019-10-06Sifat mekanik dan ketahanlasakan komposit bersimen teradun abu enapcemar alum dan gentian kenaf terawatRoszilah Hamid, Prof. Madya Dr.; Roziyah Ahmad (P78645)
2018-08-21Antena tatasusun pantulan boleh konfigurasi semua terintegrasi diod varaktor dengan imbasan alur pada jalur-kuNorbahiah Misran, Prof. Dr.; Marlina Ramli (P64601)
2019-06-10Development of sustainable building rating system for OmanSudharshan N. Raman, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Muhannad Fadhil Ahmed Al-Jebouri (P62721)
2012-06-04Design and analysis of compact planar antennas for ultra-wideband applicationsMohammad Tariqul Islam, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Rezaul Azim (P49160)
2012-05-31Analisis mekanik patah pada retak dalam bar berbentuk silinder paduAhmad Kamal Ariffin, Prof. Dr.; Al Emran Ismail (P44210)
no_preview_available.png2011-11-13Pulse input response of digitally modulated uncooled laser diode subjected to external optical feedbackMohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Prof. Dr.; Mazen Radhe Hassan (P43850)
no_preview_available.png2012-01-09High efficiency thin film amorphous and microcrystalline silicon solar cells : modeling, fabrication and characterizationNowshad Amin, Prof. Dr.; Mohammed Ikbal Kabir (P42559)
2011-11-13Pulse input response of digitally modulated uncooled laser diode subjected to external optical feedbackMohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mazen Radhe Hassan Al-Assi (P43850)
no_preview_available.png2017-12-07Penentuan rekabentuk laluan pengangkutan bas menggunakan sistem multi pengoptimuman - kajian kes di Putrajaya MalaysiaRiza Atiq Abdullah O.K. Rahmat, Prof. Dato' Ir. Dr.; Ruslawati Abdul Wahab (P75261)
2018-03-30Penghasilan plantlet hibrid elit (P1 x P3) berkualiti Jatropha curcas L melalui kaedah mikroperambatan in vitro dalam sistem bioreaktor kabusNurina Anuar, Prof. Madya Dr.; Nor Anis Nadhirah Md. Nasir (P68266)
no_preview_available.png2017-12-27Transition metal dichalcogenide MoS2 based alternative absorbers for cost effective photovoltaic applicationsNowshad Amin, Prof. Dr.; Haroon Rashid (P70489)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 611