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Title: Environmental And Economic Analysis Of Solid Waste Management By Combination Of Life Cycle Assessment And Analytical Hierarchy Process At UKM Campus
Authors: Masoud Aghajani Mir (P48319)
Supervisor: Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Prof.
Keywords: Environmental And Economic Analysis Of Solid Waste Management
Environmental Of Solid Waste Management
Economic Analysis Of Solid Waste Management
Waste minimization--Malaysia
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2013
Description: Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) generate thousands of tons of solid waste per year. The dramatic expansion of Malaysia`s higher education sector in scale and scope has put even bigger pressure to what formally was integrated sustainable development, pushing it into policy and practice. Therefore, comprehensive solid waste management programs, which take integrated solid waste management systems into consideration, are one of the greatest challenges to achieving campus sustainability. Focusing on sustainability issues at the university campus combined with a desire to control the cost escalation and environmental impacts are essential factors. This was achieved by employing different methods like Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the field of solid waste management. Moreover, it is crucial to find environmental and economic solid waste management improvements, and a number of strategies should be adopted in an attempt to advance the sustainability of the current system. The defined objectives of the study include an estimation of the solid waste, recyclable material generation, and composition for different sources. This defines the hot spots in solid waste generation of UKM campus, and assessment of solid waste management system at the UKM campus. Results are based on environmental and economic analysis, therefore introducing a model by combining the LCA and AHP approaches, using the Cluster Analysis method. In order to achieve these objectives, all waste generation sources at UKM campus were divided into six sources. In addition, a domestic waste composition study and a study on at-source collected recyclable materials have been done during the two-week research span. Garden waste was weighed over the two weeks, and the construction and electronic waste generated were calculated in 2011. Based on the solid waste composition of UKM campus, 6 scenarios were defined for solid waste management. In order to reveal the most environmentally friendly of scenarios, Sima Pro 7.3 software was applied to do the LCA. AHP was applied to compare the scenarios an economical point of view. Then, LCA results and economic results of AHP were combined using Cluster Analysis in order to select the most appropriate scenario considering the environment and economic points of view. Later, the combined model developed showed a suitable scenario for UKM, with less potential of environmental impacts and economic benefit by integration of 20% RDF, 40% composting, 20% anaerobic digestion and 20% recycling. The results demonstrate that UKM could help save the environment by decreasing 600 environmental impact points per month from the present solid waste management system, to -150 points per month by the proposed integrated system. In terms of economy, UKM could save RM 30,000.00 per month by applying the proposed system while the current waste management system costs RM 18,000.00 per month. So, improvement of the recycling center and allocation of an area for composting and anaerobic digestion would have a lot of benefits for the university. The combination of LCA and AHP by cluster analysis method was done in one of the largest higher education institutes (UKM) in Malaysia. The proposed system can be a suitable guideline for other universities, which are taking steps toward sustainability and improving solid waste management.,PhD
Pages: 248
Call Number: TD793.9 .M538 2013 3
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina

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