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Title: Enhanced netflow version 9 (e-Netflow v9) for network mediation: structure, experiment and analysis
Authors: Mohd Saufy Rohmad
Farok Azmat
Mazani Manaf
Jamalul-lail Abdul Manan
Conference Name: International Symposium on Information Technology
Keywords: Netflow
Network mediation
Conference Date: 26/08/2008
Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Abstract: The Netflow version 9 is the latest Netflow version introduced by CISCO for the network monitoring and analysis purposes. Then come IPFIX that defined by IETF to overcome problem in Netflow version 9 and to enhance few aspect of network flow capturing and filtering. It cooperated with PSAMP (packet sampling) standard for intelligent packet sampling for flow monitoring. This research paper will introduce enhanced Netflow version 9 (e-Netflow v9) that use nProbe GPL tool. The enhance Netflow version 9 uses existing Netflow v9 parameters with RTP and SIP plug-ins. We will introduce the overall of structure this Netflow, the experiment to compare the result and performance and the finally analysis parts to study the reliability of this e-Netflow v9.
Pages: 6
Call Number: T58.5.C634 2008 kat sem j.3
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Piscataway, US
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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