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Title: Evaluation of sobel, canny, shen & castan using sample line histogram method
Authors: Mohd Ashri Abu Hassan
Noorhayati Mohamed Noor
Asmah Ibrahim
Noor Elaiza Abdul Khalid
Conference Name: International Symposium on Information Technology
Keywords: Sample line histogram method (SLHM)
Conference Date: 26/08/2008
Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Abstract: This paper introduces a sample line histogram method (SLHM) in evaluating the accuracy detecting bone edges. CR images of bone joints namely the knee and the elbow joints are used in this experiment. The purpose of the project is to identify the suitable method for bone cortical edge detection. The performance of three edge detection method: Sobel, Canny and Shen & Castan are compared. The resulting images are evaluated by visual inspection and SLHM.
Pages: 7
Call Number: T58.5.C634 2008 kat sem j.3
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Piscataway, US
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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