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Title: A new method for mining maximal frequent itemsets
Authors: Mohammad Nadimi-Shahraki
Norwati Mustapha
Md Nasir B Sulaiman
Ali B Mamat
Conference Name: International Symposium on Information Technology
Keywords: Mining maximal
Frequent itemsets
Conference Date: 26/08/2008
Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new method for mining maximal frequent itemsets. Our method introduces an efficient database encoding technique, a novel tree structure called PC_Tree and also PC_Miner algorithm. The database encoding technique utilizes Prime number characteristics an transforms each transaction into a positive integer that has all properties of its items. The PC_Tree is a simple tree structure but yet powerful to capture whole of transactions by one database scan. The PC_Miner algorithm traverses the PC_Tree and builds the gcd (greatest common divisor) set of its nodes to mine maximal frequent itemsets. Experiments verify the efficiency and advantages of the proposed method.
Pages: 4
Call Number: T58.5.C634 2008 kat sem j.2
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Piscataway, US
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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