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Title: A neural network-based model to learn agent's utility function
Authors: Hamid Jazayeriy
Masrah Azmi-Murad
Md. Nasir Sulaiman
Nur Izura Udzir
Conference Name: International Symposium on Information Technology
Keywords: Neural network-based model
Agent's utility
Conference Date: 26/08/2008
Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Abstract: Learning opponents' preferences has a great impact on the success of negotiation, specially, when there is partial information about opponents. This incomplete information can be effectively utilized by intelligent agents equipped with adaptive capacities to learn opponents' preferences during negotiation. This paper present a neural network based model, named ANUE, to estimate negotiators' utility function. ANUE's structure is inspired from mathematical interpretation of utility function. We have also presented eight lest cases to evaluate ANUE's performance where test cases cover all possible form of incomplete information concerning utility function. As a future work, we evaluate ANUS with proposed test cases.
Pages: 8
Call Number: T58.5.C634 2008 kat sem j.2
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Piscataway, US
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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