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Title: Environmental education: some policy issues
Authors: T.Chelliah
Conference Name: Konvensyen Nasional Ke Empat Mengenai Pendidikan
Keywords: Environmental education
Formal education system - Malaysia
Conference Date: 06/08/1984
Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur
Abstract: The concept of environmental education as an integral and systematic tool of scientific inquiry received little attention in the formulation of the curricula in the formal education system in Malaysia in the last decade. This was by no means due to any conscious apprehensions about the value or appropriateness of the subject. The reasons that explain the relative paucity of serious interest in developing environmental education until recent times could be attributed to the following reasons.
Pages: 8
Call Number: LB1235.K6 1984 kat sem.
Publisher: Persatuan Pendidikan Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur
Appears in Collections:Seminar Papers/ Proceedings / Kertas Kerja Seminar/ Prosiding

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