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Title: Human rights, its scope and application: an empirical analysis of future human rights advocates in Malaysia
Authors: Rohaida Nordin (UKM)
Abdul Rahman Abdullah
Keywords: Education
Future advocates
Human rights
Public university
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Description: Human rights is an important subject in legal education. Human rights knowledge relates to awareness of the scope and content of human rights and the relationship of these rights to human dignity and survival. The principal elements of human rights are universality and equality and avenues to seek redress in the event of violation of human rights. Articles 1(5) and 1(10) of the ASEAN Charter state that the purposes of ASEAN are to generate a distinct market and invention base which is steady, affluent, highly competitive and improve human resources through closer collaboration in education and life-long learning. Since Malaysia is a member of ASEAN, this study was deemed important to assess the knowledge of future human rights advocates in Malaysia on human rights principles and mechanism for the protection and enforcement of human rights. It is also important considering the fact that Malaysia is a State Party to three international human rights treaties and some aspects of human rights are enshrined in its Federal Constitution. The study employs qualitative research design in achieving its objectives.
News Source: Pertanika Journals
ISSN: 0128-7702
Volume: 25
Pages: 741-760
Publisher: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Appears in Collections:Journal Content Pages/ Kandungan Halaman Jurnal

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