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dc.contributor.advisorSiti Balkis Binti Budin, Profesor Madya Dr. Hajah
dc.contributor.authorIzatus Shima Taib (P55569)
dc.descriptionFraksi kaya tokotrienol minyak sawit (TRF) merupakan antioksidan yang berpotensi menurunkan tekanan oksidatif dalam pelbagai keadaan patologi. Pendedahan terhadap organofosfat antaranya fenitrothion (FNT) telah menyebabkan kerosakan pada sistem reproduktif lelaki. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji kesan TRF terhadap kerosakan sistem reproduktif lelaki aruhan FNT dengan menilai status biokimia, ciriciri sperma, tekanan oksidatif, perubahan morfologi serta kerosakan DNA sperma dan testis tikus. Kajian awalan dilakukan dan didapati FNT pada dos 20 mg/kg telah menyebabkan kerosakan pada sistem reproduktif tikus jantan berdasarkan peningkatan tekanan oksidatif, penurunan kualiti sperma serta perubahan morfologi testis. Sebanyak 40 ekor tikus jantan dewasa jenis Sprague-Dawley dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan iaitu kumpulan kawalan, TRF, FNT dan TRF+FNT. TRF (200 mg/kg) dan FNT (20 mg/kg) diberikan secara oral paksa selama 28 hari secara berturutan. Hasil kajian mendapati tiada perbezaan yang signifikan bagi aktiviti asetilkolinesterase (AChE) plasma antara kumpulan TRF+FNT dan FNT. TRF berupaya menggalakkan proses detoksifikasi metabolit aktif FNT di testis melalui peningkatan ekspresi paraoksonase 1 (PON1) pada kumpulan TRF+FNT berbanding kumpulan FNT. Suplementasi TRF menurunkan aras kolesterol, asid sialik dan total protein testis secara signifikan pada kumpulan TRF+FNT berbanding kumpulan FNT (p<0.05). Namun tiada perbezaan yang signifikan diperhatikan bagi aras hormon testosteron, luteinizing (LH) dan perangsang folikel (FSH) plasma. TRF berupaya mengekalkan kualiti sperma melalui peningkatan bilangan, motiliti, peratusan morfologi normal dan viabiliti sperma kumpulan TRF+FNT secara signifikan berbanding kumpulan FNT (p<0.05). Nilai curvilinear velocity (VCL), averagepath velocity (VAP), straightline velocity (VSL), progressiveness (PROG) dan beat cross frequency (BCF) adalah lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada kumpulan TRF+FNT berbanding kumpulan FNT (p<0.05) membuktikan TRF berupaya memperbaiki pergerakan sperma. TRF juga mengurangkan tekanan oksidatif testis dan sperma yang mana dibuktikan dengan aras malondialdehid (MDA) dan protein karbonil (PC) yang rendah manakala aras glutation terturun (GSH) dan aktiviti superoksida dismutase (SOD), katalase (CAT) dan glutation S-transferase (GST) yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada kumpulan TRF+FNT berbanding kumpulan FNT (p<0.05). Selanjutnya, ekspresi heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) testis juga lebih rendah secara signifikan pada kumpulan TRF+FNT (p<0.05). TRF juga secara signifikannya mengurangkan kerosakan DNA sperma dan kesan apoptosis testis (p<0.05). Pemerhatian histologi dan ultrastruktur mendapati suplementasi TRF pada kumpulan TRF+FNT dapat mengurangkan kerosakan morfologi testis dan sperma. Kesimpulannya, suplementasi TRF berpotensi melindungi kerosakan sistem reproduktif tikus aruhan FNT dengan mengekalkan status biokimia, mengurangkan tekanan oksidatif, memperbaiki status antioksidan, mengurangkan perubahan morfologi dan kerosakan DNA sperma serta kesan apoptosis testis.,Palm oil tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) is a well known antioxidant which has potential in reducing oxidative stress in various pathological conditions. Exposure to organophosphate such as fenitrothion (FNT) has been reported to cause damage in male reproductive system. Present study was conducted to study the effects of TRF in preventing male reproductive system FNT-induced damage by evaluating biochemical status, sperm characteristics, oxidative stress, morphological changes as well as DNA damage of sperm and testis in rat. A preliminary study was performed and the finding showed FNT at the dose of 20 mg/kg induced male reproductive system damage by increased the oxidative stress, reduced the sperm quality and altered the morphology of testis. Forty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups namely control, TRF, FNT and TRF+FNT group. TRF (200 mg/kg) and FNT (20 mg/kg) were given orally for 28 consecutive days. No significant difference was found between TRF+FNT and FNT groups in the plasma acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. TRF showed the ability in promoting detoxification process of FNT active metabolites by increasing the paraoxoonase 1 (PON1) expression in rat testes of TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group. TRF supplementation significantly reduced the levels of cholesterol, sialic acid and total protein of rat testes in TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group (p<0.05). However the levels of plasma testosterone, luteinizing (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) did not show any significant difference. TRF showed the ability in maintaining sperm quality by significantly increasing the sperm count, motility, normal morphology and viability in TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group (p<0.05). The curvilinear velocity (VCL), averagepath velocity (VAP), straightline velocity (VSL), progressiveness (PROG) dan beat cross frequency (BCF) were significantly increased in TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group (p<0.05) which proved that TRF has the capability in improving the sperm motion. TRF also reduced oxidative stress in sperm and testis by significantly lowering the malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonyl (PC) levels while significantly increased the gluthathione (GSH) level as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities in TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group (p<0.05). Furthermore, the expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in testes was significantly reduced in TRF+FNT group (p<0.05). TRF also significantly reduced the sperm DNA damage and the apoptotic effect of testis (p<0.05). Histological and ultrastructural observations revealed that supplementation of TRF improved the morphological changes of testes and sperm in TRF+FNT group. In conclusion, supplementation of TRF has the potential in preventing the male reproductive system FNT-induced damage in rats by maintaining the biochemical status, reducing the oxidative stress, improving the antioxidant status and reducing the morphological changes, DNA damage in sperm as well as apoptotic effect in testes.,PhD
dc.publisherUKM, Kuala Lumpur
dc.relationFaculty of Medicine / Fakulti Perubatan
dc.subjectTokotrienol minyak sawit
dc.subjectSistem reproduktif tikus jantan
dc.subjectVitamin E - adverse effect
dc.titleKesan fraksi kaya tokotrienol minyak sawit terhadap kerosakan sistem reproduktif tikus jantan aruhan fenitrothion
dc.identifier.callnoQU179.I98k 2014 9 tesis
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine / Fakulti Perubatan

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