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Title: The impact of entrepreneurial leadership and learning orientation on organizational performance of SMEs in Kuwait : the mediating role of TQM practices and innovation management
Authors: Fahad A A Sawaean (ZP03485)
Supervisor: Khairul Anuar Mohd Ali, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Small and medium enterprises -- Kuwait
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 6-Sep-2021
Description: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been recognized to be playing a key economic role in the employment creation, income generation, and poverty alleviation in both industrialized and developing countries. In Kuwait efforts have been made by the government to accelerate economic growth and development by enacting policy which encourages the private sector such as the SMEs to play more significant role in the industrialization process. This is to reduce the dependence of oil as the main source of economic development in the country. However, changes in the business environment pose serious challenges and constraints to SMEs in Kuwait which have the implications on their performance. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the determinants of SMEs performance in Kuwait such as; entrepreneurial leadership (EL), learning orientation (LO), total quality management (TQM) practices, and innovation management (IM) as well as the mediating role of total quality management practices and innovation management on these relationships. The significance of this study is due to limited current studies regarding SME performance that were conducted in Kuwait. The research framework which emanated from a systematic literature review was investigated using a quantitative survey approach. This study was carried out at firm level and structured questionnaires were distributed to a sample of SME owner/manager in Kuwait. A total of 477 usable questionnaires were collected to determine the direct and indirect hypotheses developed to address the research questions. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was employed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that entrepreneurial leadership (EL), learning orientation (LO), total quality management practices (TQM practices), and innovation management (IM) have significant effects on performance of SMEs. On mediation relationships, both TQM practices and IM were found to partially mediate the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and SMEs performance and innovation management (IM) was also found to have a partially mediating effect on the relationship between learning orientation and SMEs performance. A number of implications with regard to theory and practice were discussed. This study contributes to existing literature through the development of a framework that confirmed the determinant factors in the SMEs performance relationship while it may also help the policy makers to design proper policy supporting the development of SMEs in Kuwait. Finally, the limitations of study were highlighted together with the important areas for future research.,Degree of Doctor of Business Administration
Pages: 450
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Graduate School of Business / Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Perniagaan

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