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Title: Hubungan kelas dan konflik sosial : dampak perkembangan industri perladangan kelapa sawit ke atas komuniti di Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia
Authors: Arfan (P43922)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rahimah Aziz
Keywords: Industri perladangan kelapa sawit
Social classes - Jambi (Indonesia : Province)
Issue Date: 22-May-2014
Description: Kajian ini meneliti hubungan kelas dan konflik sosial yang tercetus akibat perkembangan pantas industri perladangan kelapa sawit di provinsi Jambi, Indonesia. Konflik yang tercetus semenjak era reformasi di Indonesia ini adalah manifestasi penentangan kaum tani yang lama ditindas oleh dominasi pemilik modal dan rejim autoritarian Orde Baru. Terdapat tiga objektif dalam kajian ini: pertama, menganalisis situasi sosial yang melatarbelakangi konflik yang berlaku. Kedua, mendalami secara mikro peristiwa konflik. Ketiga, menilai keberkesanan penyelesaian konflik termasuk jalan keluar daripada konflik yang kaum tani gunakan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif menerusi pengamatan di lapangan, temu bual mendalam terhadap 16 orang tokoh masyarakat dan pemimpin organisasi tani, serta lima orang dari pihak syarikat dan kerajaan. Kerangka teori kajian ini adalah berdasarkan pandangan James Scott (1981 dan 2000) bahawa dominasi kelas berkuasa dalam kehidupan kaum tani menimbulkan penentangan daripada kelas petani. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa sebelum era industri perladangan, situasi sosial dan hubungan antara kelas sosial di pedesaan Jambi dikawal oleh ekonomi moral petani tempatan yang terbingkai dalam adat resam dan ketaatan menjalani ajaran agama Islam. Konflik yang berlaku selepas kehadiran industri perladangan adalah akibat wujudnya hubungan dominasi-subordinasi dalam pelaksanaan skim kerjasama antara syarikat dengan petani. Hubungan dominasi melicinkan jalan syarikat membuat akumulasi faedah manakala para petani tidak mendapatkan apa yang sebelum ini telah dijanjikan oleh syarikat. Justeru, kaum tani berpakat mencetuskan penentangan dan berjuang mendapatkan keseimbangan kuasa dalam mengelola ladang kerjasama. Perjuangan kaum tani meraih keadilan belum berakhir dan usaha penyelesaian konflik masih terus dilakukan dengan melibatkan pihak lain sebagai mediator. Potensi konflik dalam industri perladangan masih lagi besar selagi struktur dominasi masih dikekalkan. Kajian ini memberi sumbangan terhadap korpus ilmu sosiologi pembangunan dengan mengisi satu lompang berkaitan kajian di peringkat mikro mengenai penentangan kaum tani terhadap fenomena perampasan tanah dan struktur dominasi di kawasan pedesaan.,This research delves into class relations and social conflicts triggered by the rapid expansion of the oil palm plantation industry in Jambi province, Indonesia. The conflict that erupted since the reformation era in Indonesia is a manifestation of resistance by the peasants who had long been suppressed by the dominance of capital owners and the authoritarian regime of the New Order. The objectives of the study are to analyse the social situations underlying the conflict; to examine at the micro level the conflicts that occur; and to assess the effectiveness of conflict resolution efforts including attempts by the peasants to end the conflict. The study adopts the qualitative approach through field observation, and in-depth interviews of 16 community leaders and organisations and five informants from the companies and the government. Theory for the study is based on James Scott's view (1981 and 2000) that the domination of the powerful class in the lives of the peasantry results in peasant resistance. The study shows that before the plantation era the social situations and the relationship between the social classes in Jambi province were controlled by the moral economy of the local peasants in the form of customs and observance of the rules of Islam. The conflicts that occurred after the start of the plantation industry era are caused by the domination-subordination relationship in the implementation of cooperation schemes between companies and peasants. Domination facilitates the accumulation of benefits for the company while the peasants do not get what had previously been promised to them by the companies. Consequently, the peasants put up resistance and fight to gain equal power in the running of the plantations. The struggle for justice is not over yet, and conflict resolution efforts are still on going involving other parties as mediators. The potential for conflict remains big so long as the structure of dominance is intact. This study contributes to the sociology of development corpus of knowledge by filling a void at the micro level in terms of peasant resistance against land grabbing phenomenon and dominance structures in the rural areas.,PhD
Pages: 228
Call Number: HN703.5.A744 2014 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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