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Title: Assessment of flood damage and public’s willingness to pay for flood mitigation project: a case study of Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
Authors: Md. Ishtiaque Haider Ishty (P85769)
Supervisor: Ahmad Aldrie Amir, Dr.
Keywords: Floods
Climate change
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 18-Jan-2019
Description: Floods are one of the most common and hazardous natural disasters worldwide. Due to climate change the frequency and magnitude of floods are increasing. Besides natural causes, anthropogenic activities and other development activities may influence the frequency and magnitude of the flood. In Malaysia, flood is the reason for highest economic damages and loss of human lives as well. Almost 90% of the total damages caused by floods alone in Malaysia. Therefore, this study assessed flood damages and local people’s damage avoided cost in order to reduce the impact of flood in the Temerloh district which is situated in the Pahang River basin. Furthermore, this study also aimed to identify local people’s willingness to pay (WTP) through a hypothesized WTP scenario for a flood mitigation project. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to find out the main factors that influencing individual’s WTP for the project. The results revealed that most of the surveyed respondents experienced flood and around 83% people taken flood mitigation measure to avoid the damages. Multiple linear regression revealed the factors that influencing respondents WTP positively or negatively. Flood frequency and damage avoided cost negatively influencing respondent’s willingness to contribute for the project at 95% and 99% significance level respectively. This study found the WTP of the respondents for next 5 years. Our findings suggest that frequency and individual’s damage avoided cost should be taken into consideration by the policy makers in order to introduce any flood mitigation project in this area. This study will help policy makers to know about the average flood damages to the households in this area and understand their willingness for the flood prevention project. Understanding flood-affected communities priority is significant in order to be able to know their choices for flood reduction. In addition, the quantification of WTP can be an important indicator to increase the awareness of local decisionmakers on improving the effectiveness of flood risk reduction strategies.,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 99
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute for Environment and Development / Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI)

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