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Title: Development of a low cost web-based power quality monitoring instrument
Authors: Ismail Adam (P42575)
Supervisor: Azah Mohamed, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Electric power systems -- Quality control
Electric power system stability
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2012
Description: Power quality assessment of distribution networks requires installation of special monitoring instruments at several sites for a period of time in which data is then collected and processed off-line. For a practical and more meaningful assessment, it is required to install many power quality monitoring instruments at the distribution feeders. However, the price of such instrument is currently still expensive, thus making the task of system wide power quality monitoring impractical. Therefore, the low cost web-based monitoring instrument is developed to address the limitation of the existing power quality instruments. The instrument is designed such that it is able to sample single phase voltage and current with maximum voltage of 400 V and maximum current of 60 A. It processes the power quality data in hardware and displays the graphical results remotely over the internet. The instrument hardware consists of two 16-bit microcontrollers and a signal conditioning module to interface with the voltage and current probes. The first microcontroller is assigned the tasks of sampling, processing, saving voltage and current data into the SD/MMC card and providing the correct data as requested by another microcontroller. The second microcontroller is assigned the task of relaying the processed or raw data from the first microcontroller via the web browser. The data transfer rate and efficiency is increased by modifying the standard controller to controller communication via the RS232 connection. For real time calculation of individual harmonics and total harmonic distortion, the fast Hartley transform is used. The source codes to publish the system data over internet is developed based on the HTTP2 web server module included in the free Microchip’s TCP/IP stack. The publishing of data is improved by using the AJAX Command through Javascript object XMLHttpRequest to allow the data to be updated individually instead of the whole web page. For the purpose of downloading the data, a special routine to generate the data stream is developed by using the curHTTP.callbackPos. In addition, a simple and reliable data transfer protocol is applied to ensure that the data is satisfactory transmitted through the internet. The developed instrument was tested and found to have the capabilities of relaying the raw data through the web browser at a typical speed of 3.5kb/sec and displaying processed power quality data graphically and dynamically in real time.,Master of Science,Certification of Master's / Doctoral Thesis" is not available"
Pages: 156
Call Number: TK1010.I845 2012 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina

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